Venice Cafe 2013

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Will gladly accept suggestions for improving photo.

3 Comments on “Venice Cafe 2013

  1. Try two different crops to see if you like either better. 1) crop down from the top until the sliver of blue sky on the left is gone (to the top of the roof). 2) crop down from the top all the way to between the two dark windows (a square crop). I think both work depending on how you want to present the image. I ignore the aspect ratio and just look at the content.
    I like the scene. The light add people in the ally really adds to the mood.
    Oh, another idea for the crop that you have is to just darken the sky quite a lot. Use a color-select mask or a luminance mask.

  2. Thank you, John. The top of building crop works well. I don’t hesitate to change photo proportions to suit its appearance or use. The blue patch resulted from recent use of DxO Viewpoint to correct wide angle lens distortion caused by inability to back up far enough. The camera is water resistant, the photog is not.

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